It took me a long time and I had to cross much of the world, lose my ideals and my integrity in heroin and crime, and escape from a high-security prison security prison to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make. But the answer to all of that hit me at a moment when I was chained to a wall being tortured. I realized, through the screams, that even in that bloody, handcuffed helplessness, I was still free: free to hate the men who men who tortured me or to forgive them. It doesn't sound like much, I know, but in the fear and oppression of imprisonment, when these feelings are all you that freedom is a universe of possibilities. And the choice you make, between to hate and to forgive can become the story of a lifetime.
I had just arrived in India, and my only concern at that moment was because they didn't know that I was the most wanted criminal in Australia. Australia. I finally found myself outside the airport, reassured that I had passed through immigration without being recognized.
I finally find myself outside the airport, calm for having gone through immigration without being recognised, when suddenly I hear someone calling me, I start to sweat cold, my body stiffens, the first thing I think is that someone realized who I was and that they were going to deport and arrest me again. I pluck up courage and I turn around and see a nice man who hands me a ukulele.
I take a few moments to realise that that was my ukulele and that I had forgotten it in the baggage trolley. I thank him, smile and continue my way. On the bus heading towards downtown Bombay, I look out the window and see the harsh reality of those miserable neighbourhoods: the houses were made of pieces of plastic paper and bamboo sticks, clinging to each other with narrow alleys that
meandered between them. My first impression was one of pity, shame and guilt, for the money I had and the things I had done in my life while those people had practically nothing. But my thoughts
changed as I began to observe the beauty of the people who lived there, everywhere I looked the everywhere I looked people were smiling and laughing.
The bus stops, and I see outside several tour guides looking for customers.
As soon as I get off the bus I see a short, thin man with a nice smile, who tries at all costs to get me to hire him as a guide.
I end up accepting his services and he takes me to a hotel where I leave my belongings. We chat for a We talk a little and I discover that his name is Prabaker, seems to be a very honest and humble
humble person, and for some reason I have trusted him since we met.
Prabaker then takes me to a restaurant, and on the way there he explains a few things about the local culture. Prabaker then turns to a street vendor in order to
to buy an Indian cigarette, when suddenly I hear someone shouting "Beware!" feel myself being pulled by the arms just as a bus passes at high speed behind me. I turn to see who had pulled me, and I see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, slender, with black hair and green eyes, the straight posture and both feet firmly and separately supported, gave her a calm and determined physical presence.
The indications for all that a man should love and fear in her were there, from the beginning, in the wry smile that lifted the arched curve of her thick lips.
thick.There was pride in that smile and confidence in her beautiful nose. Without understanding why, I knew beyond any doubt that many people would turn their pride
for arrogance and would mistake their confidence for impassiveness. I did not make that mistake. My eyes were lost, swimming, floating free in the bright pond
of his firm, almost fixed gaze. His eyes were large and of a spectacular green spectacular, of the green that trees have in lived dreams. It was the green that the sea
would be, if it were perfect.
His hand still rested on the curve of my arm, near my elbow. The touch of hand of a lover should be like that: familiar, yet exciting, like a whispered promise. I felt an almost irresistible desire to take her hand and against his chest, close to his heart Perhaps I should have done it. I know now that if that
had happened, she would have laughed and liked me for doing it. But as strangers that we were, we waited five long seconds, staring at each other while
all the parallel worlds, all the parallel lives that could have happened but would never happen, revolved around us.
After this intense but brief moment, Karla leaves, but I continue to admire her. Night comes, and I find myself in my hotel room, I am tired I reflect on all that I experienced that day and remember the sensation I felt when I saw her face for the first time, which with its green eyes captivated me
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