Visual orientation – Visual thinking From the idea of visual thinking we will together start exploring the field of graphic design, what it can be and what it can do. You will be introduced to visual thinkers such as Sister Corita Kent and Bruno Munari, as well as the practices of the tutors Stephen Fowler and Karolina Westenhoff. You will be asked to read short texts on rhetoric and visual communication, texts on point line plane, rythm and balance from the book Graphic Design: The new basics, and a few chapters from Bruno Munari's book Design as art. Practically you will work with visual expressions, composition and concept development, using 3 different analogue technics: 3D paper craft, do it at home printing and abstract collage, to create 3 analogue posters using recycled materials. The visual assignments will be a relay focusing on past, present and future based on your chosen personal object and your research about your identity.