I have chosen to direct the over consumption campaign with oil as the main theme.
This choice was based on the fact that refined crude oil gave birth to the most problematic materials affecting our world at this moment, and for long enough.
We have the solutions to fight, but because these alternatives are not lucrative to the “interested party” (the international companies, share holders in the business,...) we see almost
no difference in our posture in 60 years.
Without media manipulation, if we show around the world what is happening, and the small changes that need to be done in order to give the environment a change to sustain without
deterioration provoked by us, people will feel compelled to help to save our world.
This must be a joint collaboration. We need to gather to have impact.
Extracting fossil fuel is becoming harder than ever. We, with our self-centredness, have already developed expensive techniques as torture mechanisms (for example shale or high
preassure fracking).
The information studied for the assignment (presented on the left), could very well be a middle page to a flyer denominated “Abhorrent Facts”.
Our main environmental issues are:
»The greenhouse effect and consequent poles melting and sea levels rise.
Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which traps the heat and causes the greenhouse effect, causing ozone depletion.
»Health diseases as cardiovascular or respiratory disorders, even cancer.
Ozone depletion is one of the main factors in skin conditions.
The burnt fuels as gasoline, diesel or kerosene give origin to a huge spectrum of problems, for example the very well known asthma
»The waste produced to build new electronic devices with 6 months or less of planned obsolescence, which is never crossed.
This line is never crossed because of the simplest fact, we buy new devices for that period.
Mobile phones, cellular devices, smartphones, are mainly made from polypropylene (plastic synthesised in labs). The batteries are made from zinc.
Both of them, polypropylene and zinc, are majorly not reusable neither can be recycled (because they were refined to the maximum to get to that exact form).
Not mentioning the vices and addictions, or madness that comes from the bloom of such technologies.
The petroleum problem is not an easy fix. It will take time and customs.
We do not get rid of a plastic piece produced today in more or less than 243 years, and we are still producing them in masses.
If every single one of us does our part to improve, we will get there.
Join the plastic free July, stop using single-use plastic such as straws or cups, be conscious of your clothing choices (brands and items).
Take the first step.
“When you go beyond the dominant media discourse and get closer to the ground you will see, everywhere you look, incredible reasons for hope” » Helena Norberg-Hodge
There are two targeted audiences on this campaign.
The first one is for the people between 18 to 24/25, people that are probably in universities (the beginning of independence); the second one is for people who are starting a family.
The first audience targeted is discovering the world, starting to make decisions and holding responsibilities.
For this entities learning to make the right environmental choice is crucial;
The newborn sons and daughters of the second targeted audience are more likely to have environmental activism/consciousness than the previous generation.
Parents and their child's need to be educated. The parents for being the educators and development should be always appreciated, the childs for being our future (as humanity).

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